Statistics Canada recently faced criticism for unusual results in its labor force survey, including a suggestion that job loss in the province of Quebec was more fast-paced during the fourth quarter of last year than at the height of the recession, the Globe & Mail reports.
Because of this, its estimate of a sudden reversal in employment among trade, professional, technical and scientific services was largely met with skepticism.
For Canadian accounting consultants, at least, the industry switch from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to the International Financial Reporting System (IFRS) is thought to have had a significant effect. The accounting compliance change occurred on January 1, spurring extra hiring and the purchase of new accounting software.
After dealing with the upheaval of switching to IFRS, accountants are now facing another accounting legislation shake-up, according to a separate article by the news source. Specifically, lawmakers are looking into concerns that they are getting too much federal science funding for Canadian research and development.
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